Power quality solutions
you can trust.
Welcome to Optimised Network Equipment
Our approach is to be with you every step of the way from problem identification to long term support of equipment in service. Your industry is interesting to us, and our experience allows us to be closely involved in all or any one of the stages of a solution cycle.
We are power system engineers and specialist suppliers of equipment. We have extensive experience in power quality and energy measurement, we conduct network analysis using the most advanced software, and our product and system knowledge enables us to design realistic, cost/benefit optimised solutions for you.
We can manufacture to your specification, carry out site installation and testing to prove the performance and correct operation of our solution, and we will support your use of the equipment throughout the life of the equipment.
We improve our clients’ power systems by providing specialist products and services.
Services include desktop studies for harmonic compliance assessments and filter key specifications, site measurements, detailed design of primary and secondary systems, installation and commissioning and whole of life product support.
We design, supply, test, deliver, install and commission power quality solutions.
From extra high voltage shunt capacitor banks and mechanically switched damped capacitor networks, series current limiting reactors, shunt reactors, to medium and low voltage harmonic filters, capacitor banks, neutral earthing reactors.
Featured products
Featured products

Medium voltage filters
Outdoor open type and outdoor enclosed harmonic filters from 1 kV to 33 kV, in practical arrangements from single tuned to damped C-type filters, specially designed for your application.

High voltage harmonic filters
Detuned shunt capacitor banks and damped harmonic filters for application in transmission and sub-transmission systems, designed and supplied to the highest standards by our global team.

Air core shunt reactors
Cost-effective, low loss, easy-to-transport and simple to erect and maintain with no oil containment requirements and no risk of saturation. Available from medium to extra high voltage applications.
Welcome to Optimised Network Equipment
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Our purpose is to improve our clients’ power systems. All our products are selected around this goal and we support this by providing specialist services.
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Featured products

Product Number 1
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Product Number 2
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Product Number 3
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